Why Do We Cheat On Our Loved Ones?
If you envision a cheat, we are often drawn to imagine a sex-starved and unfaithful husband cavorting with his secretary while his unsuspecting wife, is at home with the kids. That’s not always the case. Both men and women are guilty of infidelity and often for similar reasons.
It’s often said that signs of infidelity are always present but we choose to overlook them.
The most common signs of a cheat are said to be:
- Your spouse or signicant other’s personality takes a 180 degree turn. If they were formerly sullen and withdrawn, they might suddenly be happy or vice versa.
- They become more attentive to you to mask the guilt of an a air.
- They take more pride in their appearance.
- He or she becomes more secretive about their schedule.
- Your sex life begins to wan or can even increase in frequency in an e ort to conceal theair.
- They suddenly find reasons to be alone and/ or begin taking phone calls and checking emails in private.
- They begin to find fault with you as a way of justifying their indiscretion.
For as many signs there are of an air, there are just as many reasons for an air that apply to both men and women.Variety. They’re looking for the experience and thrill of someone new.
- Revenge. Their spouse has cheated on them or made them angry and they feel justified in their actions.
- It’s just sex. If they feel there’s no real emotion involved, it’s ok.
- They’re not getting enough sex at home. Your spouse is dissatis ed with you whether it is your appearance, attitude, or even your age.
- Constant nagging by their spouse.
- They feel understood by the person they’re cheating with.
- Genetics. It’s in their blood.
Regardless of how a person chooses to explain their reasons for cheating, they’re ultimately excuses. No one is made to cheat because of their spouses actions. They choose to be unfaithful. People cheat because they have the option. Sometimes it’s just that simple.