The Daddy Drop
Ok so we have previously spoken on the subject of sub drop, how to deal with it, and what it really is and how it affects your little or sub but did you know...
Ok so we have previously spoken on the subject of sub drop, how to deal with it, and what it really is and how it affects your little or sub but did you know...
A few weeks ago he started playing with me in my sleep and when I woke up it freaked me out just how much I could sleep through.
Sometimes we both have other commitments it’s handy to have some things you can do when you’re not physically able to be with your partner during drop.
When I first met my current partner, fairly drunk already in a pub in February, I told him very matter-of-factly that I wasn’t looking to date at the time because I was a Survivor of Sexual Abuse 6 months before.
So in short, I want to be owned. The feeling hits me most after a hard play session, when I’m in my little zone. The warmest, fuzziest feeling I have ever known.
Jon’s been working on a blog about the 3 worst things you can say in bed, so I thought I would write a positive spin on it, to help your new year get off...
Because I like you so much, I want you to have the best there is in the bedroom. Here are three common mediocre mantras that will not help while lovemaking.
Owning a cat might, is in fact, connected to your love of bondage and BDSM says a new study looking at a common parasite caught from your friendly pussies
If you’re dating a Nathan or a Megan who fits this profile, they’re 100 per cent cheating on you (well just be cautious).
Engaging in kinky sex may send you into an altered state of consciousness and even unlock your inner creativity, according to a new study. Using a small sample of participants from the kink-focused social network Fetlife.
DDlg or DD/lg is a dynamic in which one half of the relationship is the caregiver/dominant and the other is the childlike/submissive.
This is how to talk to people, I don’t know what happens to people online or fetlife, but it is as if people forget that they are talking to another human.