6 Ways to Fuck Up Your D/s Dynamic
There is no rule book when it comes to Dominating or submitting, no definitive way to navigate through the rocky waters of being in a D/s dynamic.
There is no rule book when it comes to Dominating or submitting, no definitive way to navigate through the rocky waters of being in a D/s dynamic.
I was reading a little piece on Huffington Post called 8 Lies I Tell My Husband (That Actually Make Our Marriage Stronger) by Lucy Clarke, and quite frankly, I call bullshit.
For the first 25 years of my life, I had no idea that I was a masochist. I didn’t understand what people get from being in pain.
If you’ve noticed your libido is lower than normal and can’t figure out why, here are some things that could be causing the change.
So as a Dom I have set many tasks for my sub to do for me but after a while its good to find out from others what they are setting as task.
relationships / Safe sex / Sex
by Anonymous Blogger · Published August 3, 2017 · Last modified August 5, 2017
So in the age of Tinder and other internet dating sites, you wouldn’t expect someone to be a virgin at 30 with our latest generation of teenagers
I am a survivor!!! Fucking it up just one time could fuck someone’s life up as much as mine. It’s not that difficult not to be a rapist.
There’s no point in planning for one perfect day. A perfect wedding does not guarantee a perfect marriage. Nothing can. That takes work, commitment, forgiveness and unwavering love.
We all like cheesy chips & beer, but is best enjoyed in moderation, the same can be true for wanking its both good and bad and I am going to tell you how.
Then there’s the big one that no man ever forgets, even though he wishes he could the first time caught masturbating. If this has happened you’re not alone.
Stalking your ex…Social media makes it so damn easy to do this, want to know who they are with, are they happy, are they sad, are they crying. STOP IT NOW
couples / Dating / relationships
by Jon the nudist · Published June 17, 2017 · Last modified July 1, 2017
We haven’t written about depression and anxiety, in a while, and I am seeing a lot of posts from men and women asking advice about how to best help their significant others who also...